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Written in vi editor

Life is a permanent culture shock.



I'm a bit of a grumpy old man, rather like Statler and Waldorf

My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is INTJ

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The origin of 'Superput' and the '' domainname.
Weird stuff from my Fidonet days (Dutch).

Me, ca 1979:
Rob at Theezolder LVvJ Augustinus

A cartoon by President Tune;

Sput cartoon © Theun Kohlbeck

A photo by Latie;

Sput at LVP © Michel van Latesteijn

As you can see I'm either psychotic with stress or dreaming.
The pictures below, by Frenzy, might give you some idea you what I tend to dream about, and what I actually do (I don't drive them. I only know what makes them tick);

Sput at meneer Jansen © Frans van der Bijl Sput fixing a synth © Frans van der Bijl

A painting he made for my 50th birthday;

Painting of Rob van der Putten © Frans van der Bijl

An other photo by Latie;

Picture of unknown origin

At an official function;

LVP Viert koperen jubileum

Pictures of my younger brother Hans and me;
In the 2nd half of the 1970's;

Hans and Rob van der Putten in their teens © Fam. van der Putten

At my mum's 93rd birthday party;

Hans and Rob van der Putten © 2014 Bertus Kelderman

With Albert-Jan Pool at my 60th birthday dinner at Surakarta;

Albert-Jan Pool, Rob and Hans van der Putten

A song (3244 kB; (dutch) about me by Repperdepep (dutch)
An old interview; Beursgang World Online (Dutch)
My Father's kite

A bit of history

Some of the stuff I did and really enjoyed:

Stuff I like

To me, all science and technology is in fact art.


I also like Surrealism.


Lifestyle is when your life has become a logo.


My favourite sculptures are bridges;


Cats are my favourite animals.

vigilante cat

I absolutely loathe dogs.



Somewhere in the blue - violet range. Colour definitions vary a lot, so it's hard to tell (cobalt blue glass, for instance, has a shade of blue which is much deeper than what usually is referred to as cobalt blue).
Web safe colour 60F and Electric Indigo (6F00FF) are pretty close.


Philémon by Fred Othon Artistidès.


I have been running (Debian) Linux since the mid 1990's.
I do a bit of C programming. Some stuff here.
I also do a bit of hardware design. Both analogue and digital.
My internet setup here.


I'm definitely continental European and I have a dislike of most (not all!) things Anglo-Saxon. I consider Main-stream Anglo-Saxon culture to be intrinsically predatory and, in a symbolic way, cannibalistic.
I absolutely love British TV though. I think it's the best TV in the world!


Whisky and Gin and tonic
I also like Indonesian drinks, which in NL are referred to as ijs tjampoer and tjendol.
And I like tea: Betjeman & Barton.


I also like some scifi and film noir. Esp scifi noir and Nordic noir.


My favourite food is Indonesian. It's the French cuisine of the east.
My favourite Indonesian restaurant is Surakarta (Dutch).




I live in the city of Leiden, The Netherlands. I live near central station and the Morspoort.

Moral framework

Enlightenment values.


I consider music to be the most brilliant invention ever.
Besides 1970's Berlin School (Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream) and 70's prog (Brand X, Bill Bruford, Camel, Genesis, Gong, Pink Floyd, UK, Yes, Frank Zappa), I like;


I'm completely fanatic about analogue modular synthesizers


An absolute classic Berlin school album is Ricochet by Tangerine Dream;
TANGERINE DREAM - Ricochet (Live at Coventry Cathedral-1975)


Contemporary bands who play Berlin School are ARC and Redshift;

DIY Berlin-school

Animals that sound like synthesizers;

Other synth like sounds;

If you know any others, let me know.


I also like some Bach and Chopin. Especially, Chopin's nocturnes.
My favourite Chopin nocturnes are Op.9 No.1 In B flat minor and C sharp minor KK IVa/16.
And impressionist music, including Satie and Debussy.
I also like a bit of minimal, In particular Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians (Youtube).
There is a nice two part BBC 4 documentary called 'Tones, Drones and Arpeggios, The Magic of Minimal' on the subject;


I consider homo sapiens to be more than one species.


Renaissance men, lateral thinkers, out of the box thinkers, creatives.


Anglo-Saxon style managers, ESFJ Myers-Briggs personality type, pigeon-hole thinkers.
These managers are like Soviet apparatchiks. So in a way communism won after all.

Some statements

Think before you act (which is like look before you leap).
Don't just think, think hard.
The use of perfume is intrinsically violent.
Assumption is the mother of most fuck-ups.
Race is mostly a social construct.
Identity politics is like pigeon holing. Pigeon holing is like fitting a square peg into a round hole. Fitting a square peg into a round hole is intrinsically violent.
Cliches are delusions (Gay stereotypes for instance, apply to 2% of the gay population. The other 98% aren't like that at all!).
Stupidity is the root of most evil; Good intentions do not necessarily lead to good results. Which is why the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
A lot of innovation is rooted in cultural appropriation (I like crossover stuff).
A Nice Oscar Wilde quote: The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Nothing is more surreal than reality.
Narrative journalism sux.
Micro plastics are more dangerous then asbestos and a bigger environmental disaster than global warming. Clothing manufacturers know this: Fast fashion pushers have the morals of a terminally ill serial killer. I don't wear any synthetics at all.

My Stuff

Some of my stuff.

My Air conditioner

A couple of decades ago, the idea of owning an air conditioner (Dutch: airco) seemed completely ridiculous. Now, due to climate change, you really need one!

Image of air condioner

My Stereo

Denon DA-500, Quad 405 and 2 x Quad ESL 57.


I have set-top boxes for both satellite and cable. The audio is sent to my stereo. The video to the RGB-SCART input of an old TV.
I intent to replace the TV by an HDMI monitor. Which I can also use in combination with my PC and therefore VLC.
Both set-top boxes record on local hard-disks. So there is no storage in a cloud.



Some vehicles are nice to;

I drive a an old town bike.
An excellent bike site: (Dutch).


Wikipedia is my favourite website.
I absolutely LOATHE websites that look like advertising brochures! Their pointless drivel airbrushed way beyond a polished turd!
I don't like most social media either. The invention of the internet is often compared with the invention of book printing. And just like the the Witches Hammer is the dark side of book printing, a lot of social media is the dark side of the internet.
Wikipedia is what the web was invented for. It is in fact, what the internet was invented for.
They shouldn't have merged 'Berlin School of electronic music' with 'Krautrock' though. These are distinctly different styles of music.
On webarchive the most recent (20 Feb 2017) pre-merge page on Berlin School of electronic music.
One of the first records I bought was Berlin school.



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