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Spam hall of shame

I reserve the right to publish any communication between spammers and me in whole or in part.

Spam statistics

Pie charts and tables of rejected mail.
The same, but focused on RCPT Tos which are message-ids.


These hosts and domains are blacklisted by this system.

Spam archive

These files contain the headers of all spam send to this system over the last couple of decades (the complete spam archive is available to legitimate spam investigators).
Please keep in mind that some of the information, including the sender address, may be forged. If you find that someone has been using your name or email address without your consent, it might be a nice idea to have them prosecuted.
To avoid harvesting, email addresses have been modified; 'Some.User@Some.Domain' has been changed into 'Some.User%40Some%2EDomain'. Message-Ids are unaltered. So anything with an at ('@') in it, is in fact a message-id, not an email address!

2000 83 6.9
2001 91 7.6
2002 76 6.3
2003 31 2.6
2004 47 3.9
2005 10 0.8
2006 21 1.8
2007 7 0.6
2008 6 0.5
2009 5 0.5
2010 15 1.2
2011 7 0.6
2012 21 1.8
2013 29 2.4
2014 25 2.1
2015 21 1.9
2016 21 1.9
2017 4 0.3
2018 11 0.9
2019 14 1.2
2020 17 1.4
2021 12 1.7
2022 15 1.2
2023 22 1.8
2024 11 0.9
2025 3 1

KPN sux

Yet an other persistent harasser (Dutch).

Rejected addresses

Spammers use worms and viruses to send spam and harass anti spam sites.
Below systems that are possibly infected;
