Spam filtering with Exim
This page contains tips and tricks on how to filter spam using the
Exim MTA.
Don't copy the lot. Just think of it as a source of inspiration.
The stuff below is based on Debian 12.x / Bookworm and Exim 4.9x.
I use Let's encrypt and Dehydrated to generate
a fullchain.pem and privkey.pem for TLS.
For DKIM and and DMARC see;
- Exim: Chapter 58 - DKIM, SPF, SRS and DMARC
- SIDN: Hands-on: implementing SPF, DKIM and DMARC in Exim
Select the following packages and anything that they depend on;
- exim4-daemon-heavy
- fuzzyocr
- giflib-tools
- libgif(7)
- netpbm
- poppler-utils
- pyzor
- razor
- spamd (requires spamassassin)
Plus any documentation you might want to install and then do a lot of RTFM.
After this configure the lot;
Replace '' with your own domain, '*' with your own hostname.
Replace '' with your own IPv4 address.
Replace '2001:db8:1234:' with your own IPv6 addresses.
Replace 'RvdP' with your own initials.
Sometimes dots ('.') in IPv4 addresses are escaped with a backslash ('\.'), E.G.;
'192\.0\.2\.1' and the colons (':') in IPv6 addresses with a double colon
('::'), E.G.; '2001::db8::1234::'.
Exim configuration
I created my own config file; '/etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localmacros'.
# RvdP, this a local config file # Enable checks; 1 = True = Enable # ================================ MAIN_TLS_ENABLE = 1 MAIN_TLS_TRY_VERIFY_HOSTS = !* TLS_DH_MIN_BITS = 512 # New REMOTE_SMTP_SMARTHOST_TLS_VERIFY_HOSTS = !* # Lets encrypt certs # tls_certificate MAIN_TLS_CERTIFICATE = CONFDIR/fullchain.pem # tls_privatekey MAIN_TLS_PRIVATEKEY = CONFDIR/privkey.pem CHECK_RCPT_REVERSE_DNS = 1 # New, build-in SPF check # Disabled because I copied it to local_check_rcpt # CHECK_RCPT_SPF = 1 # New, UTF-8 MAIN_SMTPUTF8_ADVERTISE_HOSTS = * # RvdP, I have my own blacklist DNS ROUTER_DNSLOOKUP_IGNORE_TARGET_HOSTS = \ : : \ : : : \ : : \ ::::/80 : 64:ff9b::::/96 : fc00::::/7 : \ fe80::::/10 : fec0::::/10 # Other options; MAIN_QUALIFY_DOMAIN = # DKIM DKIM_DOMAIN = DKIM_SELECTOR = dkm DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY = /etc/exim4/keys/dkim_rsa.private DKIM_CANON = relaxed # My own variables # ---------------- # I have a mail forward or list on these hostlist spf_white_hosts = \ * # My own ACLs # ----------- CHECK_CONNECT_LOCAL_ACL_FILE = /etc/exim4/local_check_connect CHECK_RCPT_LOCAL_ACL_FILE = /etc/exim4/local_check_rcpt CHECK_MIME_LOCAL_ACL_FILE = /etc/exim4/local_check_mime CHECK_DATA_LOCAL_ACL_FILE = /etc/exim4/local_check_data # I defined this LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST = /etc/exim4/local_combi_whitelist LOCAL_SUBSCRIBED_LISTS_REGEX = \N(list1|list2|list2)\N
'MAIN_TLS_TRY_VERIFY_HOSTS = !*' will enable TLS even if Exim thinks that there
is something wrong with the remote TLS implementation.
CHECK_RCPT_SPF is not enabled in this file. The SPF check is done in the
RCPT phase instead.
'hostlist spf_white_hosts' are hosts where I have a '.forward' file. These are
not SPF checked.
'/etc/exim4/local_combi_whitelist' is a combined host - sender-address
whitelist. See local_combi_whitelist
'\N(list1|list2|list2)\N' is a regex or of subscribed mailing lists. These are
checked at 'subscription check' in local_check_data.
Replace list1, list2, list2 with substrings of the names of the lists you are
subscribed to.
I edited this file. The first edit is just above the '# listen on all all interfaces?' remark;
# RvdP, primary_hostname
primary_hostname =
# RvdP, make helo interface dependent
# Incoming connections + Callout
smtp_active_hostname = ${if eq{$interface_address}{}\
# listen on all all interfaces?
'' is 'my' IPv4 address. Replace with your own IPv4 address.
'' is the reverse lookup for '' and
'' the HELO used by my server. Replace these with your
Promote IPv6
Alternatively, use the following;
# RvdP, make helo IP address dependent # Incoming connections + Callout smtp_active_hostname = ${if eq{$interface_address}{}\ {}{}}
Whenever someone connects using IPv4, the string 'Please-use-IPv6' will
be logged.
Note: There has to an 'A' (address) record for this name
( Otherwise some spam filters might object.
At the top, a connect ACL;
### main/02_exim4-config_options ################################# # RvdP, ACL at start of connection acl_smtp_connect = check_connect # Defines the access control list that is run when an
I added a mime ACL;
acl_smtp_rcpt = MAIN_ACL_CHECK_RCPT # RvdP, mime ACL acl_smtp_mime = check_mime # Defines the access control list that is run when an
And a vrfy ACL;
acl_smtp_data = MAIN_ACL_CHECK_DATA # RvdP, These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that # are used to control the ETRN, EXPN, and VRFY commands. # Where no ACL is defined, the command is locked out. acl_smtp_vrfy = check_vrfy # Message size limit. The default (used when MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT
The next edit is just above '# Domain used to qualify unqualified recipient addresses';
# For spam scanning, there is a similar option that defines the interface to # SpamAssassin. You do not need to set this if you are using the default, which # is shown in this commented example. As for virus scanning, you must also # modify the acl_check_data access control list to enable spam scanning. # RvdP, Enabled spamd_address = 783 # Domain used to qualify unqualified recipient addresses
The next edits are just above '# In a minimaldns setup, update-exim4.conf guesses the hostname and';
# RvdP, use /etc/hosts first
host_lookup_order = byaddr:bydns
# The setting below causes Exim to try to initialize the system resolver
# library with DNSSEC support. It has no effect if your library lacks
# DNSSEC support.
dns_dnssec_ok = 1
# In a minimaldns setup, update-exim4.conf guesses the hostname and
The next edit is just above '# Enable an efficiency feature.';
# RvdP, Disable
rfc1413_query_timeout = 0s
# Enable an efficiency feature. We advertise the feature; clients
The next edit is just above '# Bounce handling';
# RvdP, other main config options
# RvdP, mild verbal abuse
bounce_message_text = "See"
# RvdP, complain about HELO after RCPT
helo_allow_chars = _
# RvdP, Check HELO after RCPT
helo_try_verify_hosts = *
# RvdP, No pipelining
pipelining_advertise_hosts = :
# RvdP, No chunking
chunking_advertise_hosts =
# RvdP, filter stuff
message_body_visible = 256K
# RvdP, 8 bit stuff
# RvdP, UTF-8
headers_charset = UTF-8
# Bounce handling
This includes a hook to a rate limiting ACL.
# 10_exim4-config_check_connect # RvdP, ACL at start of connection check_connect: # RvdP, Hook for local connect ACL file .ifdef CHECK_CONNECT_LOCAL_ACL_FILE .include CHECK_CONNECT_LOCAL_ACL_FILE .endif accept
Filter postmaster (My SpamAssassin setup does not spam filter abuse);
# Accept mail to postmaster in any local domain, regardless of the source, # and without verifying the sender. # # RvdP, disabled #accept # .ifndef CHECK_RCPT_POSTMASTER # local_parts = postmaster # .else # local_parts = CHECK_RCPT_POSTMASTER # .endif # domains = +local_domains : +relay_to_domains # Deny unless the sender address can be verified.
Add recipient verification;
# assumption is that they are your friends, and if they get onto black # list, it is a mistake. accept hosts = +relay_from_hosts # RvdP, added recipient verification verify = recipient control = submission/sender_retain control = dkim_disable_verify # Accept if the message arrived over an authenticated connection, from
In case of blacklisted sender, refer to blacklist instead of postmaster.
And the full message gets logged.
# the black list. See exim4-config_files(5) for details.
# RvdP, changed
#message = sender envelope address $sender_address is locally blacklisted here. If you think this is wrong, get in touch with postmaster
message = sender envelope address $sender_address is locally blacklisted here. See
#log_message = sender envelope address is locally blacklisted.
In case of blacklisted host, refer to blacklist instead of postmaster.
And the full message gets logged.
# the black list. See exim4-config_files(5) for details.
# RvdP, changed
#message = sender IP address $sender_host_address is locally blacklisted here. If you think this is wrong, get in touch with postmaster
message = sender IP address $sender_host_address is locally blacklisted here. See
#log_message = sender IP address is locally blacklisted.
Use a callout verification. With a long (100s) timeout;
# Accept if the address is in a domain for which we are an incoming relay,
# but again, only if the recipient can be verified.
domains = +relay_to_domains
verify = recipient
# RvdP, use a callout
verify = recipient/callout=100s
# At this point, the address has passed all the checks that have been
There is no '35_exim4-config_check_mime', so you have to create your own;
# 35_exim4-config_check_mime # RvdP, ACL that is used before data ACL check_mime: # My own ACL .ifdef CHECK_MIME_LOCAL_ACL_FILE .include CHECK_MIME_LOCAL_ACL_FILE .endif # accept otherwise accept
It simply refers to 'CHECK_MIME_LOCAL_ACL_FILE', which refers to 'local_check_mime'.
# 50_exim4-config_check_vrfy # RvdP, ACL that is used after the VRFY command check_vrfy: accept
Changed ignore to defer.
# here so that mail to relay_domains is handled separately. smarthost: debug_print = "R: smarthost for $local_part@$domain" driver = manualroute domains = ! +local_domains transport = remote_smtp_smarthost route_list = * DCsmarthost byname # RvdP, changed #host_find_failed = ignore host_find_failed = defer same_domain_copy_routing = yes no_more .endif # The "no_more" above means that all later routers are for
Other files
These are not in '/etc/exim4/conf.d/' but in '/etc/exim4/'. Below are the complete files. Edit these to suit your needs.
# RvdP, this is the local Connect ACL # It slows down fast remote senders # Deny if they keep going on deny message = Too many connections from your host. hosts = !+relay_from_hosts # ratelimit = <m> / <p> / <options> / <key> # m = Number of messages, p = Time # Default option is per_mail # Default key is $sender_host_address ratelimit = 15 / 1h # Deny at connect deny message = You are blacklisted hosts = * : * # Tmp host blacklisting deny message = Host $sender_host_address is locally blacklisted here. See hosts = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_tmp_auth_host_blackl}\ {CONFDIR/local_tmp_auth_host_blackl}\ {}} # Otherwise slow down defer message = Busy. Try later. hosts = !+relay_from_hosts condition = ${if >\ # Extract int from float before compare {${extract{1}{.}{$sender_rate}}}\ {10}\ {yes}{no}}
# RvdP, this is the local RCPT ACL # A lot of definitions are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localmacros # Options are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options # Checks are done in order: IP, Host, Helo, From, To. # DNS based checks are in order of increasing DNS load. # SMTP based checks in order of increasing SMTP load. # Some of these rules defer rather than deny. These can then be whitelisted # Defers are before denies. # Reject (deny) is only in case of obvious malice. # First whitelist temp recipients; # Tell the DATA ACL that we did, and then accept warn set acl_m_epoch = $tod_epoch message = X-Example-WL: $acl_m_epoch recipients = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_rcpt_whitelist}\ {CONFDIR/local_rcpt_whitelist}\ {}} accept recipients = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_rcpt_whitelist}\ {CONFDIR/local_rcpt_whitelist}\ {}} # Tmp host blacklisting deny message = Host $sender_host_address is locally blacklisted here. See hosts = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_tmp_host_blackl}\ {CONFDIR/local_tmp_host_blackl}\ {}} # Tmp sender blacklisting deny message = Sender envelope address $sender_address is locally blacklisted here. See senders = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_tmp_sender_blackl}\ {CONFDIR/local_tmp_sender_blackl}\ {}} # Include whitelist # Combines host name and email address .ifdef LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST .include LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST .endif # Check hostname defer message = Broken Reverse DNS; no host name found for IP address $sender_host_address. Please contact your ISP. condition = ${if and \ {\ {def:sender_host_address}\ {!def:sender_host_name}\ }\ {yes}{no}} # Check HELO after RCPT defer message = Underscores are not allowed in hostnames. Please contact your ISP. condition = ${if match\ {$sender_helo_name}\ {\N.*_.*\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Helo can't be localhost, *.local, *.localdomain or *.lan defer message = HELO can't be $sender_helo_name. Please contact your ISP. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$sender_helo_name}}\ {\N(localhost|\.local(domain)?|\.lan)$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Helo should be FQDN defer hosts = !+relay_from_hosts message = HELO should be Fully Qualified Domain Name. Please contact your ISP. condition = ${if !match\ {$sender_helo_name}\ {\N.*[A-Za-z].*\..*[A-Za-z].*\N}\ {yes}{no}} # A remote helo can't be mine deny message = Using my HELO is identity theft. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts condition = ${if match\ {$sender_helo_name}\ {\N^(192\.0\.2\.1|2001:db8:1234:|(.*\.)?example\.org)$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Domain can't be localhost or localdomain defer message = $sender_address_domain is an incorrect domain. Please contact your ISP. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts condition = ${if match\ {$sender_address_domain}\ {\N(localhost|\.local(domain)?|\.lan)$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # A remote host using my Domain is wrong deny hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts : !+spf_white_hosts message = Using my domain is identity theft. condition = ${if match\ {$sender_address_domain}\ {\N^(.*\.)?example\.org$\N}\ {yes}{no}}
HELO check. If the HELO verify fails there must be some other link between the HELO and the hostname. If not, it's a zombie box.
# Try to match helo # Conditions are AND-ed. defer message = Lookup of $sender_helo_name failed or did not match. Please contact your ISP. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts !verify = helo condition = ${if !eq\ # Domains without TLD {${extract{-2}{.}{${lc:$sender_host_name}}}}\ {${extract{-2}{.}{${lc:$sender_helo_name}}}}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if \ # Same network or {\ {\ # IPv4; Same /24, E.G.: 192.168.1. and {\ {isip4{$sender_host_address}}\ {!match \ {${lookup dnsdb{a=$sender_helo_name}{$value}fail}}\ {\ ${extract{1}{.}{$sender_host_address}}\.\ ${extract{2}{.}{$sender_host_address}}\.\ ${extract{3}{.}{$sender_host_address}}\.\ }\ }\ }\ }\ {\ # IPv6; Same /48, E.G.: 2345:db8:4321: and {\ {isip6{$sender_host_address}}\ {!match \ {${lookup dnsdb{a=$sender_helo_name}{$value}fail}}\ {\ ${extract{1}{:}{$sender_host_address}}\:\ ${extract{2}{:}{$sender_host_address}}\:\ ${extract{3}{:}{$sender_host_address}}\:\ }\ }\ }\ }\ }\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ # Host is mx of helo {${lc:${lookup dnsdb{>: mxh=$sender_helo_name}{$value}fail}}}\ {${lc:$sender_host_name}}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match \ # Host address is mx of helo address {${lookup dnsdb{a=${lookup dnsdb{>: mxh=$sender_helo_name}{$value}fail}}{$value}fail}}\ {$sender_host_address}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake GMail / Google mail deny message = This is a fake GMail mail. See hosts = ! * condition = ${if eq \ {$sender_address_domain}\ {}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake AOL mail deny message = This is a fake AOL mail. See hosts = ! * condition = ${if eq \ {$sender_address_domain}\ {}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake Yahoo mail deny message = This is a fake Yahoo mail. See hosts = ! * condition = ${if eq\ {$sender_address_domain}\ {}\ {yes}{no}} # Enforce a message-size limit here and after DATA command defer message = Message size $message_size is larger than limit of 1048576. Send a weblink to your data instead. condition = ${if >\ {$message_size}{1048576}\ {yes}{no}} # Special cases; # Firstsinganndy / # '^' indicates that the local part should be evaluated too. deny message = Fuck off morons senders = \N^firstsinganndy.*@gmail\.com\N deny message = Fuck off morons condition = ${if match\ {$sender_address}\ {\N^firstsinganndy.*@gmail\.com\N}\ {yes}{no}}
Some addresses are rejected instead of deferred, or need regexes;
- Google groups;
Subscribes you without your consent. - *@messagent.*;
Spams on behalf of others from a *@messagent.Spammers_Domain address. -;
Subscribes you without your consent. - myspace;
Subscribes you without your consent. - NRC Handelsblad;
A notorious Dutch spammer. Uses various subdomains.
# Google groups deny message = Fuck off morons hosts = * senders = * # *@messagent.* defer message = Domain $sender_address_domain is locally blacklisted here. See condition = ${if match\ {$sender_address_domain}\ {\N^messagent\..*$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # deny message = Fuck off morons hosts = * senders = # myspace deny message = Fuck off morons hosts = * senders = # NRC deny message = Fuck off morons condition = ${if match\ {$sender_address_domain}\ {\N^(.*\.)?nrc\.nl$\N}\ {yes}{no}}
Not all blacklists support IPv6 yet. See IPv6 enabled RBLs
# Check IP address in DNS based blacklists deny hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts message = Host is listed in $dnslist_domain. Please contact your ISP. dnslists = \ : \ : \ : \ # Check host name in domain DNS based blacklists; Deny deny message = Host name is listed in $dnslist_domain. Please contact your ISP. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts dnslists = \$sender_host_name # Check email address domain in DNS based blacklists; Deny deny message = Domain is listed in $dnslist_domain. Please contact your ISP. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts senders = ! : dnslists = \$sender_address_domain
Below a SPF Check.
This is done in the recipient phase rather than the mail from phase.
# Copied from /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/30_exim4-config_check_rcpt .ifdef _HAVE_SPF deny !acl = acl_local_deny_exceptions senders = ! : hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts : !+spf_white_hosts spf = fail message = [SPF] $sender_host_address is not allowed to send mail from \ ${if def:sender_address_domain {$sender_address_domain}{$sender_helo_name}}. defer !acl = acl_local_deny_exceptions senders = ! : hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts : !+spf_white_hosts spf = temperror message = Temporary DNS error while checking SPF record. Try again later. warn spf = pass:softfail:neutral:permerror add_header = :at_start:$spf_received .endif # Return to default Exim rcpt ACL
# RvdP, this is the local MIME ACL # A lot of definitions are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localmacros # Options are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options # First accept recipients from whitelist accept condition = ${if exists\ {CONFDIR/local_rcpt_whitelist}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if eq\ {$h_x-example-wl:}\ {$acl_m_epoch}\ {yes}{no}} # Include whitelist # Combines host name and email address .ifdef LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST .include LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST .endif # MS binaries deny message = Dont send binaries. Send sources instead. condition = ${if eq\ {$mime_content_type}\ {application/x-msdos-program}\ {yes}{no}} # Dos / Windows junk deny message = Attachment has unsupported file format. Try text or PDF instead. condition = ${if match\ {$mime_filename}\ {\N.+\.(bat|btm|cmd|com|cpl|dat|dll|docm|exe|jar|lnk|msi|pif|prf|reg|scr|vb|vbs)$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Reject stuff inside zip deny decode = $mime_filename message = Attachment has unsupported file format inside zip file. condition = ${if match\ {$mime_decoded_filename}\ {\N.+\.zip$\N}\ {yes}{no}} set acl_m6 = ${run{/bin/sh -c '/usr/local/sbin/ $message_exim_id'}} condition = ${if eq \ {$runrc}{1}\ {true}{false}} # Return to default Exim mime ACL
# RvdP, this is the local DATA ACL # A lot of definitions are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localmacros # Options are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options # First whitelist temp recipients # Check if the whitelist exists and then check if the X-Example-WL header line # matches the epoch. accept condition = ${if exists\ {CONFDIR/local_rcpt_whitelist}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if eq\ {$h_x-example-wl:}\ {$acl_m_epoch}\ {yes}{no}} # Include whitelist # Combines host name and email address .ifdef LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST .include LOCAL_COMBI_WHITELIST .endif # Tmp message blacklisting, based on mesg-id deny message = Message $h_message-id: is locally blacklisted here. See #${lookup{<key>} <search type> {<file>} {<string1>} {<string2>}} condition = \ ${lookup{$h_message-id:}\ lsearch {CONFDIR/local_tmp_msg_blackl}\ {yes}{no}} # Checks are done in order: From, To, other header stuff, message content; # DNS based checks are in order of increasing DNS load, # SMTP based checks in order of increasing SMTP load. # Some of these rules defer rather than deny. These can then be whitelisted. # Defers are before denies. # Reject (deny) is only in case of obvious malice. # Insist on Date defer message = RFC compliant date required. condition = ${if !match\ {$h_date:}\ {\N[0-9]\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Insist on From defer message = RFC compliant from required. condition = ${if !match\ {$h_from:}\ {\N.+@.+\..+\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Insist on to defer message = RFC compliant to required. condition = ${if !match\ {$h_to:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Insist on Subject defer message = RFC compliant subject required. condition = ${if \ or {\ {!match{$h_subject:}{\N.+\N}}\ {match{${lc:$h_subject:}}{\N.?no subject.?\N}}\ }\ {yes}{no}} # Subject: Re: should have content defer message = RFC compliant subject required. condition = ${if \ and {\ {match{${lc:$h_subject:}}{\N^re:\N}}\ {!match{${lc:$h_subject:}}{\N^re:.+\N}}\ {!match{${lc:$h_subject:}}{\N^re: .+\N}}\ }\ {yes}{no}} # Insist on Message-ID defer message = RFC compliant message-id required. condition = ${if !match\ {$h_message-id:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Valid UTF-8 sequences defer message = Message headers contain non UTF-8 chars. condition = ${if or {\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_bcc:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_bcc:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_cc:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_cc:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_date:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_date:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_from:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_from:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_message-id:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_message-id:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_reply-to:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_reply-to:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_sender:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_sender:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_subject:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_subject:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ {\ and {\ {match{$rh_to:}{\N[\x80-\xff]\N}}\ {!match{$rh_to:}{\N^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xc2-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]+)+$\N}}\ }\ }\ }\ {yes}{no}} # Domain can't be localhost or localdomain defer message = ${domain:$h_from:} is a wrong domain. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts condition = ${if match\ {${domain:$h_from:}}\ {\N^(localhost|localhost\.local(domain)?|local(domain)?)$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Blacklist unreachable sender before h_from: verification deny message = Sender content address $h_from: is locally blacklisted here. See hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts #${lookup{<key>} <search type> {<file>} {<string1>} {<string2>}} condition = \ ${lookup{${address:$h_from:}}\ nwildlsearch {CONFDIR/local_sender_blacklist}\ {yes}{no}} # Blacklist based on domain; Deny deny message = Sender content domain is listed in $dnslist_domain. Please contact your ISP. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts dnslists = \${domain:$h_from:} # Exp blacklist based on domain; Warn warn message = Sender content domain is listed in $dnslist_domain. Please contact your ISP. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts dnslists =${domain:$h_from:} # require that there is a verifiable sender address in at least # one of the "Sender:", "Reply-To:", or "From:" header lines. # Do this only in case of DSN # # Do a regular verify first (bug workaround); defer senders = : message = No verifiable sender address in message headers. !verify = header_sender # And then a callout; defer senders = : message = No verifiable sender address in message headers. !verify = header_sender/callout=100s # Deny fake Message-Id deny message = Using my domain is identity theft. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts : !+spf_white_hosts condition = ${if match\ {$h_message-id:}\ {\N^<.+@(.+\.)?example\.org>$\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Check for spam specific charsets # Subject defer message = This looks like spam to me. condition = ${if match\ {$rh_subject:}\ {\N^=?.+?=$\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$rh_subject:}}\ {\N(ascii|iso|utf|windows)\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Content defer message = This looks like spam to me. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_content-type:}}\ {\Ncharset\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$h_content-type:}}\ {\N(ascii|iso|utf|windows)\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake bounces on ip address deny message = This is a fake (joe job) or sub standard (lacking original headers) DSN. hosts = ! : !+relay_from_hosts : !+spf_white_hosts senders = : condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\N( |^)received: from .+(192\.0\.2\.1|2001:db8:1234:)\N}\ {yes}{no}}
You should be able to see where weblinks in mail lead to before you click on them. People using url shorteners clearly have something to hide. It's best to block mails containing them.
# Tiny URL and others defer message = UrlShort What have you got to hide. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\Nhref=(3D)?\"http(s)?://(bit\.ly|goo\.gl|ow\.ly|tinyurl\.com)/\N}\ {yes}{no}}
Alternatively, you can set the Spamassassin URL_SHORTENER_CHAINED and URL_SHORTENER_DISABLED score to 10. Spamassassin has a far more extensive URL shortening regex then the one above.
PromoNews is an extremely persistent spammer.
# PromoNews deny message = PromoNews sux. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_from:}}\ {\Npromonews\N}\ {yes}{no}}
Below a Subscription Check;
If you know exactly which lists your users are subscribed to, you can block
unwanted mailing lists. Mailing list subscription is only allowed by means of
a confirmed opt-in. For a lot of mailing list software this is in fact the
default. Subscriptions without confirmation are rogue.
# Block fake mailing lists, List-Subscribe defer message = I did not subscribe to this list condition = ${if match\ {$h_list-subscribe:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$h_list-subscribe:}}\ {LOCAL_SUBSCRIBED_LISTS_REGEX}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake mailing lists, List-Unsubscribe defer message = I did not subscribe to this list condition = ${if match\ {$h_list-unsubscribe:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$h_list-unsubscribe:}}\ {LOCAL_SUBSCRIBED_LISTS_REGEX}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake mailing lists, List-Help defer message = I did not subscribe to this list condition = ${if match\ {$h_list-help:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$h_list-help:}}\ {LOCAL_SUBSCRIBED_LISTS_REGEX}\ {yes}{no}} # Block fake mailing lists, List-Unsubscribe-Post defer message = I did not subscribe to this list condition = ${if match\ {$h_list-unsubscribe-post:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$h_list-unsubscribe-post:}}\ {LOCAL_SUBSCRIBED_LISTS_REGEX}\ {yes}{no}}
'LOCAL_SUBSCRIBED_LISTS_REGEX' is defined in confd/main/000_localmacros
# Check non ASCII in body when ASCII is specified defer message = Charset not specified condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_content-type:}}\ {\Nus-ascii\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {$message_body}\ {\N[\x80-\xff]\N}\ {yes}{no}}
Below various specific spammer related filters. They all claim that you subscribed to their mailing lists. Edit to suit your needs.
# Block 3dkabel spam defer message = I did not subscribe to this list. hosts = * senders = : *@* condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\Nu ontvangt deze e-mail omdat u bent ingeschreven voor onze nieuwsbrief\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Block Betjeman en Barton spam defer message = I did not subscribe to this list. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_from:}}\ {\Nbetjemanandbarton\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {$h_list-unsubscribe:}\ {\N.+\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$h_subject:}}\ {\Nbestelling|factuur|order|pakbon\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Block Ebay spam # Je hebt deze e-mail ontvangen omdat je in je berichtgevingsvoorkeuren hebt # opgegeven dat je informatie over speciale acties, aanbiedingen en evenementen # wilt ontvangen. Je bent op defer message = I did not subscribe to this list. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_from:}}\ {\Nebay\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\Nberichtgevingsvoorkeuren hebt opgegeven dat je informatie over speciale acties\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Block Hema spam defer message = I did not subscribe to this list. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_subject:}}\ {\Nuitnodiging voor de beoordeling van je hema aankoop\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Block Marktplaats spam # OK: # Dit is een kopie van uw reactie op een advertentie van: # Not OK: # Marktplaats B.V. heeft deze e-mail naar u gestuurd. Op dit adres wordt u # op de hoogte gehouden van nieuws, # productwijzigingen en promoties van Indien u hier geen # prijs op stelt, klik dan defer message = I did not subscribe to this list. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_from:}}\ {\Nmarktplaats\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if !match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\Ndit is een kopie van uw reactie op een advertentie van\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\Nop de hoogte gehouden\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body}}\ {\Nproductwijzigingen en promoties\N}\ {yes}{no}}
Roque webmail quota.
# Block quota shit. # general defer message = I don't use webmail condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body:}}\ {\Nmailbox.*exceeded.*(quota|limit).*administrator\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Beste gebruiker, # =20 # Uw e-mail quota heeft overschreden Admin opslag termijn die is 20GB = # zoals ingesteld door uw beheerder, bent u momenteel op 20.9GB, kunt u = # niet in staat zijn om nieuwe e-mail verzenden of ontvangen totdat je = # weer valideren uw mailbox. Voor re-valideren uw mailbox klik Dan Hier: = # <>=20 # # Line may be wrapped after dot; # http://www.= # opinionpower.= # com/Surveys/ # # For tests Exim converts newlines to spaces. # defer message = I don't use webmail condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body:}}\ {\Nhttp://www\.(= )?opinionpower\.(= )?com/surveys/\N}\ {yes}{no}} # LED's defer message = This looks like spam to me: led condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_subject:}}\ {\N( led )\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_content-type:}}\ {\Nmultipart\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Silly bugfix defer message = This looks like spam to me: LED condition = ${if match\ {$bh_subject:}\ {\N( LED | Led | led )\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_content-type:}}\ {\Nmultipart\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Nederlanders verdienen defer message = This looks like spam to me: subject condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_subject:}}\ {\Nnederlanders verdienen al miljoenen euro\N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_subject:}}\ {\Nvanuit huis door gebruik te maken van deze maas in de wet om rijk te worden\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Phishing # ======== # ABN_AMRO, ING, Rabo defer message = This looks like a phish to me: bank condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body:}}\ {\N (abn( |-)?amro|ics|ing|rabo) \N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body:}}\ {\N (beveiliging|klant|heer|meneer) \N}\ {yes}{no}} condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$message_body:}}\ {\Nhref=(3D)?\"http(s)?://\N}\ {yes}{no}} # ICS cards defer message = This looks like a phish to me. condition = ${if match\ {${lc:$h_subject:}}\ {\Ngeblokkeerde toegang tot uw ics cards rekening\N}\ {yes}{no}} # Enforce a message-size limit defer message = Message size $message_size is larger than limit of 4194304. Send a weblink to your data instead. condition = ${if >\ {$message_size}{4194304}\ {yes}{no}} # Spam score deny message = X-Spam-Score: $h_x-spam-score: condition = ${if eq\ {${lc:$h_x-spam:}}\ {yes}\ {yes}{no}} # Don't spam check local generated mail # (Comment out for spam check test purposes) accept hosts = : +relay_from_hosts # Don't spam filter abuse accept condition = ${if \ and {\ {match{$recipients}{\N<?abuse@(.+\.)?example\.org>?\N}}\ {match{$h_to:}{\N<?abuse@(.+\.)?example\.org>?\N}}\ }\ {yes}{no}} # Spam filter the rest # Warn tmp at 00 points for debug warn message = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar). condition = ${if <\ {$message_size}{6144k}\ {1}{0}} spam = spamd:true condition = ${if >\ {$spam_score_int}{50}\ {1}{0}} warn message = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report condition = ${if <\ {$message_size}{6144k}\ {1}{0}} spam = spamd:true condition = ${if >\ {$spam_score_int}{50}\ {1}{0}} deny message = This message scored $spam_score spam points. condition = ${if <\ {$message_size}{6144k}\ {1}{0}} spam = spamd:true condition = ${if >\ {$spam_score_int}{50}\ {1}{0}} # Return to default Exim data ACL
This bypasses a lot of checks!
# RvdP, local combined host - address whitelist # A lot of definitions are in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localmacros # Example accept hosts = * senders = # 2nd example accept hosts = * senders =
This file simply lists blacklisted hosts. One per line. Wildcards can be used.
This file simply lists blacklisted senders. One per line. Wildcards can be used.
Spamd / SpamAssassin configuration
Is run SpamAssassin as user spamd. A lot of SpamAssassin, Pyzor and Razor files are therefore in '~spamd/', which corresponds with '/var/lib/spamd/'.
- /etc/default/spamd
- Files in /etc/spamassassin/
- v310.pre
- (
- Auto update
- Bayes
- Image and PDF spam check
Enable spamd and run as user spamd and enable auto update from cron;
# /etc/default/spamd # Duncan Findlay # WARNING: please read README.spamd before using. # There may be security risks. # Options # See man spamd for possible options. The -d option is automatically added. # SpamAssassin uses a preforking model, so be careful! You need to # make sure --max-children is not set to anything higher than 5, # unless you know what you're doing. # RvdP, non priv #OPTIONS="--create-prefs --max-children 5 --helper-home-dir" OPTIONS="--create-prefs --max-children 5 --helper-home-dir --username spamd" # Pid file # Where should spamd write its PID to file? If you use the -u or # --username option above, this needs to be writable by that user. # Note that this setting is not used when spamd is managed by systemd # RvdP, non priv #PIDFILE="/run/" PIDFILE="/run/spamd/" # Set nice level of spamd #NICE="--nicelevel 15"
/var/run/spamd/ should be owned spamd:spamd.
'/run/' disappears on reboot, so it needs to be recreated.
Below a edited version of '/etc/init.d/spamd';
test -f /etc/default/spamd && . /etc/default/spamd # RvdP, /run disappears on reboot if [ ! -d /run/spamd ] then mkdir -m 2775 /run/spamd chown :spamd /run/spamd fi DOPTIONS="-d --pidfile=$PIDFILE"
If you run systemd, you should have systemd do this for you!
Note: /etc/default/spamd and /etc/default/spamassassin are now separate
You may need to create /etc/default/spamassassin;
# /etc/default/spamassassin # RvdP, used by /etc/cron.daily/spamassassin # Set CRON; CRON=1 # Proxy http_proxy="" https_proxy=""
See '/etc/cron.daily/spamassassin' for more info!
Files in /etc/spamassassin/
I added a lot of stuff;
endif # Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit
# RvdP, my own stuff
# ==================
# Config
# ------
# Pyzor home
pyzor_options --homedir /home/spamd/.pyzor
# Pyzor home
pyzor_options --homedir /var/lib/spamd/.pyzor
# razor.conf
razor_config /var/lib/spamd/.razor/razor-agent.conf
# Charset
report_charset UTF-8
# Sensible contact
# I Don't understand other languages
ok_languages en nl
ok_locales en nl
# Blacklisted in received lines
score RCVD_IN_SBL 10.0
score RCVD_IN_XBL 10.0
# Blacklisted web sites
score URIBL_CR_SURBL 10.0
score URIBL_MW_SURBL 10.0
score URIBL_PH_SURBL 10.0
score URIBL_WS_SURBL 10.0
# No Tiny URL
# No caps
score SUBJ_ALL_CAPS 10.0
score UPPERCASE_50_75 10.0
score UPPERCASE_75_100 10.0
# HTML with image and 0 - 400 bytes text
score HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_04 10.0
# Razor, identical to Pyzor
score RAZOR2_CHECK 2.0
score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 2.0
# More bayes
score BAYES_60 3.0
score BAYES_80 4.0
score BAYES_95 5.0
score BAYES_99 10.0
score BAYES_999 10.0
# Barracuda Sux
Disabled spamcop auto reporting;
# SpamCop - perform SpamCop message reporting
#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop
Enabled auto whitelist.
# AWL - do auto-whitelist checks
# RvdP, enabled
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL
Enabled language guesser;
You need this for 'ok_languages'.
# TextCat - language guesser
# RvdP, enabled
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat
Logging on. The log directory needs to be writable to the process owner (spamd).
# Logfile (make sure it is writable by the plugin)
# Default value: none
# RvdP, logging on
#focr_logfile /tmp/FuzzyOcr.log
focr_logfile /var/local/log/fuzzyocr/FuzzyOcr.log
Enable PDF scanning.
# These helpers must be defined before enabling PDF scanning
# RvdP, enable PDF scanning
focr_bin_helper pdfinfo, pdftops, pstopnm
Increase timeout.
# Timeout for the plugin, in seconds. (Maximum runtime of the plugin)
# Default value: 10
#focr_timeout 15
# RvdP, increase
focr_timeout 30
Increase maximum image size to scan;
#focr_max_height 800
#focr_max_width 800
# RvdP, set to 1920×1080
focr_max_height 1920
focr_max_width 1080
You need to get 'gifinter' and ''. For Debian these are in packages 'giflib-tools' and 'libgif7'
Auto update
On a non-systemd system 'CRON=1' in '/etc/default/spamassassin'
takes care of this.
If I understand correctly, on a systemd based system, setting CRON=1 will
install the appropriate timer the first time /etc/cron.daily/spamassassin
is run.
sa-update via proxy
On a non-systemd system 'http_proxy=""'
in '/etc/default/spamassassin' takes care of this.
I also modified /etc/cron.daily/spamassassin;
if [ "$CRON" = "0" ] ; then exit 0 fi # RvdP, Use proxy; export to child if [ -n "${http_proxy}" ] then export "http_proxy=${http_proxy}" fi if [ -n "${https_proxy}" ] then export "https_proxy=${https_proxy}" fi # If the systemd timer is active, there's nothing else for us to do: if [ -d /run/systemd/system ] && \ systemctl is-enabled --quiet spamassassin-maintenance.timer; then exit 0 fi
I have no idea how to tell systemd to use a proxy server.
I have a spam archive and lots of saved non spam messages.
su - spamd ~$ cd .spamassassin/ ~$ sa-learn --mbox --spam Spam_File ~$ sa-learn --mbox --ham Ham_File
You can also use this for a single spam mail
~$ sa-learn --spam --mbox todays-spam
The default behaviour of sa-learn is to limit the maximum message size to 500 kB. By setting this to '0' there is no limit;
~$ sa-learn --spam --mbox --max-size 0 todays-spam
Image and PDF spam check
Uncommenting the following line in should enable PDF scanning;
focr_bin_helper pdfinfo, pdftops, pstopnm
pdfinfo, pdftops and pstopnm are in package poppler-utils.
Razor configuration
I edited '/etc/razor/razor-agent.conf' and '/var/lib/spamd/.razor/razor-agent.conf'. The log directory needs to be writable to the process owner (spamd).
# See razor-agent.conf (5)
# Change this to 5 for safer classification of MIME attachments. This will let more spam through
logic_method = 4
# Change the next line to a file to stop using syslog
# RvdP, Dir
#logfile = /var/log/razor-agent.log
logfile = /var/log/razor/razor-agent.log
# RvdP, force ~spamd/
razorhome = /home/spamd/.razor
And /etc/logrotate.d/razor;
# RvdP, Dir
# /var/log/razor-agent.log {
/var/log/razor/razor-agent.log {
rotate 3
Reporting to Pyzor
Create a dir .pyzor in your homedir. Copy the servers file to this dir. Create an empty mailfolder, E.G.: 'todays-spam'. Save the spam to this folder. Copy the spam to stdin of Pyzor and tell it to report the spam;
~$ cat mail/todays-spam | pyzor report
This should produce something like '(200, OK)'.
Delete the contents of 'todays-spam' before you save more spam.
DNS issues
Make sure you have a helo name which points to the ip addresses of all the
interfaces which your mailserver might use.
If you have a split DNS, use all interfaces for in the internal, and just the
external interface names in the external DNS.
If your mailserver is behind reverse NAT / portforwarding, the helo name should
point to the external IP address too.
It's a good idea to put the ports used by various daemons in /etc/services (if not already there);
# Local services spamd 783/tcp # spamassassin daemon