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Note frequencies

Musical notes and their frequencies.


Clicking on the frequency will get you a one minute OGG audio file with a sine wave of that frequency. Except for the 440 Hz file which is two minutes.
Peek level is 25 % of clip level.


Don't play these files at high volume!
The really low and high frequencies may ruin your speakers!

Note: These are pure sine waves. So the really low frequencies are inaudible! You may see your speakers' diaphragm move without hearing anything. If you do hear something this is due to distortion causing harmonics.
Meanwhile very large currents flow though your speakers!

Scientific Midi Helmholtz Name Feet Frequency
λ (17.8 °C)
C₋₁ 0 00 Cˌˌˌ Subsubcontra 64 8.176 41.9  m
C₀ 12 0C Cˌˌ Subcontra 32 16.352 20.9  m
C₁ 24 18 Contra 16 32.703 10.5  m
C₂ 36 24C Great  8 65.406 5.23 m
C₃ 48 30 c Small  4 130.813 2.62 m
C₄ 60 3C c′ One-lined  2 261.626 1.31 m
C₅ 72 48 c″ Two-lined  1 523.251 654 mm
C₆ 84 54 c′″ Three-lined ½ 1046.502 327 mm
C₇ 96 60 c″″ Four-lined ¼ 2093.005 164 mm
C₈ 108 6C c′″″ Five-lined 4186.009 82 mm
C₉ 120 78 c″″″ Six-lined ⅟₁₆ 8372.018 41 mm
C₁₀ 16744.036 20 mm

'Feet' is the height of an organ pipe with a slit at the bottom and a open top. These pipes are slightly shorter then a half wavelength. One foot is 304.8 mm. So a 16 Hz organ pipe is about 10 m tall.


The frequency ratio of two successive notes is 1 : ¹²√2 ≈ 1 : 1.059463094
Don't play these files at high volume!

Note frequencies
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8.176 16.352 32.703 65.406 130.81 261.63 523.25 1046.5 2093.0 4186.0 8372 16744
C♯ 8.662 17.324 34.648 69.296 138.59 277.18 554.37 1108.7 2217.5 4434.9 8870 17740
9.177 18.354 36.708 73.416 146.83 293.66 587.33 1174.7 2349.3 4698.6 9397 18794
D♯ 9.723 19.445 38.891 77.782 155.56 311.13 622.25 1244.5 2489.0 4978.0 9956 19912
10.301 20.602 41.203 82.407 164.81 329.63 659.26 1318.5 2637.0 5274.0 10548 21096
10.913 21.827 43.654 87.307 174.61 349.23 698.46 1396.9 2793.8 5587.7 11175 22351
F♯ 11.562 23.125 46.249 92.499 185.00 369.99 739.99 1480.0 2960.0 5919.9 11840 23680
12.250 24.500 48.999 97.999 196.00 392.00 783.99 1568.0 3136.0 6271.9 12544 25088
G♯ 12.978 25.957 51.913 103.826 207.65 415.30 830.61 1661.2 3322.4 6644.9 13290 26580
13.750 27.500 55.000 110.000 220.00 440.00 880.00 1760.0 3520.0 7040.0 14080 28160
A♯ 14.568 29.135 58.270 116.541 233.08 466.16 932.33 1864.7 3729.3 7458.6 14917 29834
15.434 30.868 61.735 123.471 246.94 493.88 987.77 1975.5 3951.1 7902.1 15804 31608

F₃ is the F-Clef: 𝄢
C₄ is the central C.
G₄ is the G-Clef: 𝄞
A₄ is the 440 Hz tuning fork A.

A typical piano range is from A₀ (88 keys) or C₁ (85 keys) to C₈.
Midi note 0 is C₋₁, midi note 127 is G₉.

Most telephone systems can cope with octaves 4 to 7 (D♯₄ to G♯₇). Some may get a bit lower (G♯₃).
Most digital audio systems make it to roughly halfway octave 10 (E₁₀ or F♯₁₀).